This is the 5th video in our series on “Preparing Your Alexandria Home for Sale for Photos”. In the last video, I covered setting up your living room, den area, or basement space. This video will tell you everything you need to know about the bathroom.
First: Remove any nasty or dated trashcans out of the bathroom. You can either a) replace it with a modern, updated and pretty trashcan, or you can b) remove it for the photo session, and preferably for the entirety of the time the home is on the market. When a buyer comes through with an agent, little things that don’t always pertain to the value of the home can distract them and stick in their minds. They may remember your home in a string of showings as the one with the “gaudy bathroom” because of a trashcan you have in the home.
Clear counters, completely except for a nice-looking soap dispenser. If you use a cheap $1 soap dispenser, then we don’t need it. It detracts from the photos.
Replace towels with “guest towels”. The towels you’ve inherited or picked up through multiple moves in the past won’t cut it for quality listing photos. Use this as an excise to go to a local store like Ross, TJ Maxx, etc. and pick up a full set of towels for each bathroom. Arrange the towels in a way that looks professional, and pleasing.
Replace the toilet paper rolls, and tissue boxes. Having the place look stocked is just as important as having it clean and beautiful. We will do a fancy triangle fold to give a nice polished look to the final photos. It’s helpful to replace these things before showings as well.
Your mirrors should be cleaned, spotless for the photos, and the shower curtain needs to be updated and match with the décor.
Your medicine cabinet needs to be cleared out to 1/3 the normal contents, if you need to put these things into a stylish basket in your vanity or dresser, do it. The buyers want to see that there is room for their own belongings, and having the entire medicine cabinet stuffed full for photos and consequently for showings makes then subconsciously see less available space for their own things.
Make sure that your bathmats are lush and fresh. If you need to replace it, do so. It’s a great time to upgrade your old set, and when you sell you can take them with you to the new home.
For additional questions, or to schedule a listing consultation, please contact me, Abraham Walker of Ask a Walker – Your Northern Virginia Real Estate Agent. Abrahama@AskAWalker(dot)com.
About the Author: The above article was written by Abraham Walker, Your Northern Virginia Real Estate Agent, helping clients market their homes to achieve high sales with a quick closing time is my main priority.
He’s the co-founder of Ask A Walker and can be found on YouTube, Facebook, and HERE on this blog.
Abraham can be reached via email at [email protected] or by phone at (703)539-2053.
He’s happy to answer all your real estate questions.
Thinking of selling your home? Check out 20+ step process to selling your home. Or contact me now to start the home selling process. Same day appointments are available on a case by case basis.
I help people sell and buy real estate in the following Northern Virginia area cities & neighborhoods: Kingstowne, Island Creek, Cameron Station, Overlook, Alexandria, Old Town, Belle Haven, Fort Hunt, Mount Vernon, Springfield, West Springfield, Burke, Lorton, Woodbridge, Lake Ridge, Manassas, Annandale, Fairfax, Arlington, McLean, Reston, Herndon and of course Vienna.